Monday, 17 May 2010

Hello, back from the time trail of hell.
May 15th, Schenkon Swiss was the hardest time trail of my life. It was 6 degree's under a poring sky, a 21 kl time trail around the lake on a rolling circuit. I had to do my warm-up in the cold rain, by then I was frozen at my start. It was raining so much that I had trouble to see the road causing me to put the brakes a couple of time taking away the podium from me. I finished 5 th, all the top in the world were at the venue. Next race June,World Cup in Spain.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Défi Sportif Montreal

No pic for the moment, so an old one will do.
DÉfi Sportif MTL, another win for me. Winning the time trail in my category was nice being the first races here in Canada. The road race was exiting, the riders have trained hard last winter. The race was a 48kl race under a nice worm climate. It took 25 kl to be able to make a split, I had to attack after attack, finally the bake, then it was an Ontarian and I till the line. The officials made a mix up with the bell so we had to sprint two times. I wasn't very happy with that. The out come was the same, I was the Best. Next race Swiss on the 15th of May.